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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Day Begins When Your Life Ends

The title has absolutely NOTHING to do with the post.  It just happens to be on one of my most favorite {pink} forensics T-shirts from Los Angeles.  Instead, this is just the typical "cute kids in fall colors and overalls" post.  So if you are all "cuted" out, then feel free to close your browser.  You won't offend me.  And I have pumpkin/kid photos to put up soon, so be sure to skip over that one as well if cuteness makes you ill.   And then you can walk into an empty well since you clearly have no soul, and then the title WOULD be appropriate...  I kid, I kid.

Hurricane Sandy coming into town... Hurricane Dakota is always here, but we are actively working on that.

 This little helper reminds me to clean and mop quite often.  Accountability goes a long way.  And she even volunteers for the grubby jobs like cleaning behind the toilet.  Fine by me.

Dakota has adopted this nursing stool as his own personal reading chair.  He has (finally) become a walker, and this was an earlier attempt...

 1. Drop the book and dismount from the stool.
 2. Straighten that back and throw the legs forward.
 3. Take 3 small steps and then come in for a landing.
4. Make a pouty face for the "earlier than expected" arrival of tushy meeting the floor. Clearly he had higher expectations for this little jaunt.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer means Birthdays

Where has the summer gone?  No idea.  How has it gone?  Beautifully.

 This little mischievous boy, Dakota, is pretty quick with his hands, especially when I am changing his diaper.  He had fun with the powder on this occasion!

 If I had a dollar for every time that neck has been kissed...

 Look at the love in these eyes.  Quinn took this photo of Cora (his favorite subject) with my Nikon D200.  She is happy to oblige, and loves him so much.

 Sometimes Love can get a little Squeezy, and can even temporarily cut off your air supply.

 Cora posed this way on her own, and she did her hair as well.  She felt very pretty in this moment.

I have been known to laugh this hard on MANY occasions with shoes on the wrong feet.  So funny.

Wow, my son Quinn has just turned 5.  And what an affectionate friend he has become.  We officially start kindergarten/1st grade next month!  So excited.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sort of like having my dad around when my Uncle is around

Nothing beats getting a call on a Monday night from a special Uncle, saying he is in your state and would like to visit the next night!  

This Uncle has invested so much of his time, love, and godly wisdom into my life. He is 11 years younger than my dad, but it is like looking at and hearing my dad whenever I am with him.  Well, a version of my dad that uses the internet. ;)  We have never lived in the same state, but have managed to build a wonderful, close relationship thanks to the countless visits over the years, mostly my family traveling to Mississippi.  

Uncle Artis, Aunt Karen, and their two sons have faithfully visited me in Tennessee when I was foolishly and briefly playing collegiate basketball.  He also ventured to DC in the dead of winter, when I was getting my Masters at GWU.  And he brought my sister with them.  He could have spent that time and money on other trips, but he chose to spend that time with me and it meant so much, especially when I didn't have a lot of family in the area.  

It had been 3 years since I had seen him, but we do keep in contact via phone and email.  I was so glad that he could meet Cora and Dakota for the first time.    We had takeout (had to expose him to Wing Stop) and chatted for a few hours, and then he was gone.

 Reading Curious George with their Great Uncle.

3 special men! 

Dakota thinks he's super great too!

See the giddiness and admiration in my face for this guy?  I was sad to see him go! 

Love you, Uncle Artis, and I look forward to our next visit!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cora, this is ballet

Cora went to her first dance class today with her little friend Erica.  She had the most wonderful time and never stopped smiling!  I am a bit concerned with this photo as it reminds me of myself in school, always enjoying the full attention of the entire class and teacher!  haha. We love her so much, and enjoy watching her grow and learn about new things.