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Monday, June 7, 2010

Forensic Consulting

I have started an at-home job as a forensic consultant with my former company, AFDIL (Armed Forces DNA Identification Lab). Oh my goodness, what a blessing it has been! Although I can't go into great detail on the blog about the work, it has been a perfect fit for me and my family. AFDIL is a wonderful company and I am so grateful to them for hiring me on after being gone since August 2007.

While it is a wonderful job, it does mean that most of my free time is dedicated to it. So the blog time has suffered. But I am taking a break for a bit and blogging about my wonderful family as they are my number one priority anyways! I actually took Quinn and Cora with me to AFDIL to pick up new work. They seemed to have a good time! It is so weird being in a building you left almost 3 years ago. A building that you spent so much time in, and then you are strolling the hallways with 2 children in tow! So strange.

As you can see, Cora's personality is coming out like a jack-in-the-box. I can't wait for her to hang out with her new cousin, Jamie, some time! Will and Alycia (Israel's sister) just had their first child a few days ago and she's a cutie! There are pictures of her on Facebook.

These children are best buddies. This is fresh after a long nap and they are all smiles and cuddles.


  1. They are SO grown-up looking. I love their smiling faces together in that last picture, but I -really- love the one of Cora's big grin that reveals her adorable dimple and teeth! I can hardly believe that your children are this big. =)

    And congratulations on the part-time work. It's great to have something you can do on the side that you love.

  2. Thanks! Yes, it's a nice job to have during this time in my life.
