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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mission Statement

Hello, Happy Easter, and welcome to Leah's blog! Israel has his own professional blog, but my blog is intended for family musings.

The name comes from Ruth 4:11, and as cheesy as it sounds, this story is true... On January 2004, I was sitting next to Israel hearing Wayne Grudem preach a message on Ruth, and as he read that passage, I had a peace in my heart knowing that I would marry Israel and do just that.

This blog has my Ford family in mind, and for all the other Groveman groupies out there. I want to make this my place of posting photos of the children as well as funny little happenings/sayings, and even occasional recipes as I am passionate about cooking. I didn't say I was good. I said I was passionate.
Anyways, I am a tad bit busy these days, but giving the Ford's an opportunity to see my precious ones is of highest priority. After all, now I know why my mom always said that she loved being a mom. How encouraging to hear that as a small child, and now twenty years later, I fully understand.
Buckle your seat belts, because we Groveman's are doers and adventurers and shooters of wild beasts and that's just describing Tuesday's. Well, we humor ourselves and at least think of ourselves that way. As Quinn would say, "My so excited!"

Currently our brood consists of four. Leah (or Momma), Israel (or Dad), Quinn Wallace (2) and Cora Shiloh (9 months).

Quinn just finishing a mug of hot choco. There is a whole series of photos I took of him thoroughly enjoying this treat, and those are soon to come, possibly in the next post.

Cora, just being Cora. How do you describe Cora except that she is a spicy cinnamon stick covered in baby plushness? This is Cora belting out her signature girlie Growl.


  1. How wonderful!!! Can't get enough of you guys!! Great first post! Love you!

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging, Leah. This is a great first post, and I love the blog's title!

  3. I'm SO excited and glad you decided to do this, Leah! Especially since I'm far away and I love hearing about all your little adventures. Very creative title, too. =) I never knew that happened with you! Miss and love you guys...

  4. I look forward to 'hearing and seeing' life with Quinn and Cora! Love you all!
